Posted by Blair Connor, Wed, Jun 27, 2012

The Kinder goat seems to be one of the best goats for small homesteading. It is a medium-size, multipurpose goat born and bred in the Pacific Northwest. With its good temperament and multiple uses, it is the perfect fit for any backyard homesteader.
Kinder goats began at a small farm in Snohomish, Washington. A Nubian buck had died, and a Pygmy buck was ready to fill in. In the spring of 1986, the Kinder was born. Today, there are about 3,000 Kinder goats registered with the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. This number is expected to grow due to Kinder goats’ high frequency of multiple births and long lifespan, which can reach more than 15 years.
Kinder goats are used for their milk and meat. They typically range from 115–150 pounds and have a dressing percentage of around 60%. This makes them a great choice for meat production. The good numbers don’t end there, though. They produce around two quarts of milk per day, and while this number isn’t huge it is good for a self-sustaining household. Their milk boasts a higher butterfat content than other goat’s milk. At 5.5–7.5% butterfat, the milk they produce is rich and sweet. The high amount of solids in this goat’s milk makes it great for cheese making. For every gallon of cow’s milk, producers can create 1–1? pounds of cheese; but for Kinder goats, this number is somewhere around double that.
They are profitable and pleasing to be around. Whether the aim is to use them in business or raise them for pleasure, the Kinder goat makes sense for any hobby farm or backyard homesteader. Do you raise Kinder goats or want to? What are some of your experiences, tips, suggestions or questions? Share with us below!