Posted by Gabby Gufler, Fri, Feb 27, 2015

Spring is near, which means we will be riding and traveling more to horse shows, clinics and other fun events in the near future! Unfortunately, this can also mean an increase in the amount of stress on our horse’s muscles and joints. Every horse can benefit from proper muscle care.
Muscle soreness, stiffness, and swelling are common conditions that can be avoided or reduced when you implement a muscle care regimen into your daily riding routine. When used properly, horse liniment can help horses recover from work and continue training. Horse Training Tips to Help Avoid Muscle Soreness in Horses:
- Stretch your horse before and after every ride. When executed properly, stretching can increase flexibility, help relieve joint and muscle pain, improve performance, and help prevent injuries.
- Warm up your horse. This may be a no-brainer, but warming up your horse’s muscles before strenuous exercise is extremely important when it comes to preventing injuries. It is recommended to warm up your horse for a minimum of 15 minutes for best results.
- Apply a horse liniment. Liniments can help with muscle soreness, stiffness, and recovery after a hard workout. Always read the directions on liniments carefully and consult your veterinarian if your horse has a new or acute injury.
How Horse Liniments Work:
If the blood is unable to flow freely to an area, stiffness, numbness and pain can occur. Horse liniments’ main goal is to help increase blood flow throughout the body to prevent soreness and stiffness from occurring.
When shopping for an effective liniment, look for the ingredient menthol. It is known for its ability to open the skin’s pores, as well as for cooling the body while also creating a natural soothing effect. Menthol can also help relieve swelling in a particular area.
How to Apply a Topical Horse Liniment:
- Option 1: For daily use after a hard workout, you can simply rub a horse liniment on your horse’s legs from the knee down. Begin by gently rubbing the hair up, then massage in the gel or lotion by rubbing down. To prolong the heating effect of a horse liniment, a breathable wrap can be used after application which will naturally help warm up their legs for a longer period of time. Always be sure the horse liniment you choose will not cause the leg to blister.
- Option 2: You can also dilute the liniment with water to use it as a full-body rubdown after a tough workout session. A liniment bath will help increase the flow of blood throughout the entire body, helping your horse recover from the workout and be in peak shape for the following day.
- Option 3: Another great use for liniment is to use it when your horse has to stay confined for a prolonged period of time. Lack of movement will most likely cause stiffness in their muscles and joints. Applying a liniment is an excellent way to help increase circulation in their joints and muscles to prevent “stocking up” in their hind legs.
Which horse liniment should you choose? Corona® Liniment aids in temporarily addressing muscle soreness and achy joints.