Egg prices have been on a wild ride recently, leaving many folks scratching their heads and wallets. You’ve probably noticed the same at your local grocery store, and you’re not alone. So, why are eggs so expensive right now?
Let’s dive into the current state of the market and look at how focusing on sustainable livestock practices, honoring animal welfare, and supporting your local farm communities can play a part in preventing this from happening again.

State of the Market
According to Datasembly, a market intelligence platform, egg prices have surged a whopping 83% since October 2019. The increases have been even steeper in some states, like Minnesota, where prices jumped 137%, and Missouri, with a 123% hike. And in just the past year, Hawaii has seen egg prices rise by 49%, with Minnesota and Alabama close behind.
But what caused this? It all boils down to two key factors: bird flu and the concentration of egg production. The bird flu decimated chicken populations, leading to a shortage of eggs. When you add the fact that just one company owns a fifth of the country’s egg supply, any disruption can send prices soaring.
How do we stop this from happening again? The answer lies in sustainability and resilience. As homesteaders, you understand the value of being self-sufficient and getting off the hamster wheel of relying on big corporations for something as important as your food supply.
One way to avoid future price surges is by insulating yourself from market changes. Whether it’s through raising your own chickens or supporting local farmers, being part of a sustainable food system means you’re less affected by global or national issues.
We can’t control bird flu, but we can control how much we rely on a centralized food system.
Manna Pro, a leader in poultry products, has seen a huge uptick in traffic and sales for chicken-related products, like their egg incubator, which saw a 569% increase in sales from January 2023 alone. This trend highlights a growing interest in backyard chickens as a way to achieve food security, especially during times of economic uncertainty.

Animal Welfare
Chickens raised in factory farms often live in crowded, unsanitary conditions. This not only affects their quality of life but can also make outbreaks like bird flu more likely to spread. When you have one company controlling a huge chunk of the supply, an outbreak at one farm can affect everyone.
By supporting local farmers or raising your own chickens, you can help combat this issue. Small farms tend to have higher standards for animal welfare, and when you buy from them, you’re supporting practices that are better for the chickens and for the planet.
Flocking to Chickens for a Solution
As the country faces economic uncertainty and record-high egg prices, more Americans are turning to backyard chickens to secure their own supply of this food staple.
Manna Pro’s City Yolks™ surveyed its community of backyard chicken enthusiasts and found that 52% of respondents who don't currently own chickens are considering raising them. And with 58% citing high egg prices as a driving factor, it's no wonder more people are flocking to the idea of creating their own sustainable egg supply.
City Yolks™, an interactive social community from Manna Pro, is dedicated to helping urban and suburban homesteaders connect, share advice, and learn how to raise chickens sustainably. With egg prices showing no signs of dropping, City Yolks is a great resource to support both new and experienced chicken owners. More families are exploring ways to build sustainability right in their backyards, and raising chickens is a great way to take control of your food supply.

How to Get Started Raising Chickens
If you’ve got a backyard, you’ve got room for a coop! Raising chickens is a rewarding way to ensure a steady supply of fresh eggs and protect yourself from rising egg prices. And honestly, chickens are such a joy to have around. They help fertilize your garden, eat pesky insects, and, of course, provide you with the freshest eggs you’ll ever taste.
Getting started is easier than you think, especially with the many resources out there. City Yolks™, Manna Pro’s interactive social community, offers guides on everything from setting up your first coop to caring for your chickens year-round.
For urban homesteaders, this is your one-stop shop for raising chickens in cities, offering tips and how-to guides via their YolkTube™ YouTube channel.
Expert Tips for Raising Chickens
When you're ready to dive into the world of backyard chickens, there are a few expert tips that can make the experience smoother and more rewarding:
- Know Your Ordinances/Local Laws: As City Yolks founder Amanda Terbrock mentions in this video, urban and suburban backyard coops can be a beautiful addition to your space, but it’s important to check your local laws. Some ordinances limit the number of chickens you can keep and may prohibit roosters altogether.
- Choosing the Right Chickens: According to poultry expert Melia Reeves-Long, different chicken breeds serve different purposes. Some are better for first-time chicken owners, while others, like Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas, and Buff Orpingtons, are known for producing blue eggs or being great egg-layers.
- Products for Success and Predator Protection: To keep your chickens safe and comfortable, invest in proper equipment like solid coop lighting, predator-proof doors, and pavers that prevent digging. Some go-to products include Harris Farms nesting boxes, automated coop doors, Omega Egg Maker, and medicated chick starter grower.
- Survey Your Space: Chickens need room to thrive, so plan for about 3-5 square feet per chicken inside the coop and 8-10 square feet in the outdoor run.
- Know the Commitment: Chicks grow fast, and it’s important to be prepared before bringing them home. They’ll start laying eggs in 16-20 weeks, so have your coop and supplies ready in advance.
For more information on how to ensure a healthy flock, check out resources like the Chick Starter Guide, Preventing Chicken Diseases, Tips for a Healthy Flock, and video interviews from First Alert 4 STL and Studio STL.

Support Local Chickens and Farmers
Now, if backyard chickens aren’t in your future, that’s okay. You can still play a part in supporting more sustainable and ethical egg production by buying from local farmers.
When you buy eggs from a small-scale operation, you’re not just getting a product you can trust — you’re also supporting your community, small businesses, and a way of farming that promotes animal welfare and sustainability.
Local eggs don’t have to travel across the country to get to your table, which means they have a smaller carbon footprint. Plus, you get the added bonus of connecting with your community and knowing exactly where your food comes from.

Egg prices may be out of control right now, but you don’t have to be at the mercy of the market. Whether you’re raising your own chickens or supporting local farmers, there are ways to insulate yourself from future price surges while promoting sustainability and better animal welfare.
As homesteaders, you value the importance of self-reliance, and this is just another reason to take control of our food supply.
Next time you wonder, "Why are eggs so expensive?" you’ll have a better understanding of the market forces at play—and what you can do about it. Let’s build a more resilient, local, and ethical food system together