Posted by Kimberly Carrera-Moff, Tue, Feb 11, 2020

At Rustic Ares Farm, I am grateful to Manna Pro® for developing a goat mineral supplement that meets the needs of all the goats on our farm. As goat breeders for almost 30 years, my husband and I have worked diligently to achieve a balanced diet in our goat management program. On average, we maintain a herd of about 50 goats ranging in age from kids to adults, both bucks and does plus an occasional wether or two. For many years we struggled by trial and error, working with local animal nutritionists to find the perfect balance. Within the past 10 years we have finally discovered the balance we have been searching for by combining a well-balanced feed with a variety of supplements produced by Manna Pro. One of the most used products on our farm (and my favorite) is their Goat Mineral.
Looking back over the years, I remember worrying about the overall appearance of my goats. They did not have a shiny, healthy hair coat. One of the most noticeable changes in my goat herd after adding Manna Pro Goat Mineral to their diet is their beautiful, shiny hair. For many years we worked to convince nutritionists and even veterinarians that goats are more like miniature cows and nutritionally have similar dietary needs. Many classified goats to be more like sheep, resulting in a copper deficiency within the goat herd. Copper is essential for overall goat health, from their hair to their body condition to their overall growth. Manna Pro Goat Mineral contains copper to satisfy this need.
The presence of selenium is critical in any goat mineral supplement because of its deficiency in our area. Manna Pro Goat Mineral contains a nice blend of selenium along with potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, among others, which has improved the overall growth rate of my herd. From the start, my kids have been healthier. The growth rate stays right on target with more resistance to disease. The adults seem to handle the stress of breeding and kidding season with ease, maintaining their weight and body condition.

Ammonium chloride is a must when raising bucklings and wethers and maintaining their health into adulthood. By providing Manna Pro Goat Mineral along with a balanced grain ration, the ammonium chloride helps balance the pH level in the urine, which aids in the prevention of urinary calculi.
Finally, Manna Pro Goat Mineral has the added benefit of vitamin D, which aids in the body’s ability to use calcium. Calcium helps with bone development, muscling in growing kids and milk production in our lactating does.
Overall, I cannot express how satisfying it has been to watch the change in our goat herd since the addition of Manna Pro Goat Mineral to our herd management plan. From the beautiful hair coats and improved body condition to their healthier appearance from head to toe, this is what my husband and I have been striving for during our 30 years of raising goats. Healthier, happier goats equal happy owners. A sincere hats-off to Manna Pro for formulating a well-balanced mineral supplement that meets the needs of the entire herd. Adding Manna Pro Goat Mineral is a great way to improve your goat herd management plan.